Sterling Maxwell
Ko Sterling Maxwell toku ingoa
No Ngāti Porou me Ngapuhi ahau
Sterling grew up in Gisborne, a small city on the East Coast of the North Island. It was there, in that small sunny place that she was introduced to the organisation, SADD, by her best friend in late 2016. Sterling became an active member of the Gisborne Girls’ High School SADD group. She took on a leadership role within the group, eventually becoming the co-leader in 2017 until the end of 2020, when she left high school.
Alongside SADD, Sterling took on many other leadership roles including being a National Leader for SADD from 2019-2020 the student trustee on the Gisborne Girls’ High School Board of Trustees and the 2020 Gisborne Girls’ High School Head Prefect, as well as captain of certain sports teams.
Now that she has left high school she is currently studying to complete a conjoint BCOM/BA degree majoring in Management and International Relations and minoring in Māori Studies at Victoria University of Wellington.